Sign of the Beaver Summary
Whipping Boy Summary
Reading Response
Horace Splatty is the main character who is a super hero because of his sisters magic cupcakes that give him super powers to do many amazing things. Every year the town has a Celernip Prince Pageant and Horace is desperate to win the pageant because the winner got to pick a Celernip Princes and Horace loves a girl. He goes from wanting to win so bad that he forgets his friends to not caring about winning. Another character is Auggie. He is Horace's best friend. When the Pink Dodo balloons come and pop on his head and he becomes bald he thinks that it is all Horaces fault. Auggie and his brother Xax are the only ones that know that he is the Cupcaked Crusader(the super hero). After the balloon problem Auggie hates Horace.
The problem in this book is that Pink Dodo balloons that have the CupCaked Crusader come to the town after one school day. Auggie and Sara Willow get carried up on the balloon and the balloon pops and out comes a little butterfly hair clip and eats up all the hair on their heads. Auggie blames it on Horace but Horace keeps trying to tell Auggie that he had nothing to do with it. Later on even more balloons come and eat almost all of the towns people's hair off. Horace finds out that the once Kitty Hello has returned for her revenge on the people for saying that her hair cutting business was bad. Everyone thought she was away when she was disguising heself as Kitty's sister Bitty Hello. Horace stops Kitty and apologizes with Auggie and everyone has that's hair came of had to wear a wig until their hair was back.
If I could change anything in the book I think I would have all of the town be super-heroes.
Rading Response
There is one character that I can easily discrabe. His name is William, he is very kind and he is willing to save Riley troughout the whole story. Then theres Grace, she is sort of on both sides. She cares for the horse that was damaged by Riley and shemalso cares for Riley bercause she does not want him dead. William does not really cahnge but Grace changes. She goes from totaly being on the horses side to on both. I think she changes becaue of William's care for the dog.
The problem of the story is Riley gets lose from William and chases William's neighbor's horse. She gets really mad at William so she calls animal controll and wants them to kill Riley. If I could change anything in the book I would change Riley from a Golden Lab to a Chihuahua.